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Captura de pantalla 2020-01-11 a las 13.

Six actors and a Chinese performer exposed extensive statistical, philosophical, religious, journalistic, analytic and poetical texts about suicide.


Backed up by a lighting that changed constantly and three simultaneous projections: the one in the centre that illustrated and noted the principal subjects in the exposition, and two opposed on each side that screened live cuts of the action that took place there.


The staging proposed a false and strict manifesto, accredited and contradictory at the same time, that generated opposed positions in the expositors, inciting the audience’s confusion and playing with its patience through repetitions and the excessive length of the expositions to create a climate of density and of great impunity on behalf of the performers for those who listens.


Format: Conference.

Speakers: Paloma Contreras, Nahuel Perez Biscayart, Jun Kai-lan Lee (China), Laila Maltz, Pablo Lapadula, Pedro Merlo and Julieta Caputo.

Special Guests: Emme Vitale, Jair Toledo and Nahuel Viale.

Live Streaming  World Wide: Abrochen sus Cinturones (Radio)

Costumes: Julieta Álvarez.

Idea and Direction: Eloy González.

Dates: November and december, 2011 - 23.00 hs.

Place: El Excéntrico de la 18, Lerma 420, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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