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Andrés Caicedo


Considered to be the most talented writer of his generation, he was the forerunner of a new style within Colombian prose, inspired in the large city’s social reality and juvenile problems. This new style rises on the antipodes of Magic Realism. The 4th March 1977, after taking 60 Seconal pills, he slept forever. He was 25 years old. Before, he led several revolutionary cultural movements, such as the literary group “Los Dialogantes” and Cali’s Cinema Club. He directed a magazine called “Ojo al Cine”, which renewed Colombian film criticism. He won, in 1970, the 1st Caraca’s Short Story Literary Contest with his tale “Little red riding hood’s tooth” (“Los dientes de Caperucita”) which opened his way into intellectual recognition. In his work “Long live music!” (“Que viva la música!”) he stated that living beyond 25 was a total shame. He was born in Cali the 29th September 1951.




Caicedo’s Necrodrama tries to point out, with elements and reproductions, a space where Andres’ presence rises, based on places and things that he inha- bited at some time. It’s not a museum as such, it’s more of a mise en scène based on a possible Caicedo’s museum-like space. Nor it is a Persian bazaar, filled with objects that have the markings of having belonged to someone now demised. It’s a place that activates objects, objects to bring attention, elements that construct a necrography.



Format: Installment.

Realization: Miguel González.

Testimony: Luis Ospina.

Dates: November, 2009. 

Place: Casa de la Lectura, Lavalleja 924, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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