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Diamantis (2016)


Director Eloy González

Writers Eloy González and Nikolas Zacharopoulos




Diamantis takes place on an exotic island in the north east of Brazil where the adventures of six strangers collide. Two argentinian brothers backpacking with a tandem bike, a Greek Captain and his girlfriend, a madmen running away from the crisis in Europe and a young argentinian living as one of the natives. All of them in an island where you can live just by coconut water, mangos and seafood. 



GP | Adventure, Comedy | Argentina, Greece, Brazil

Language: Spanish, Portuguese, Greek and English.

Filming location: Ilha da Croa, Alagoas, Brazil

Full Length: 80 minutes

True Scene Films




Captura de pantalla 2015-03-30 a las 21.33.48.png

Cast and Crew



Yannis Thomopoulos, Nikolas Zacharopoulos, Ruzana Kotikyan, Eloy González, Luciano Correa,

Gustavo Anselmi, Patrick Dimon, George Santos, Josenildo Silva, Maria Nushikyan, Felipe Amaral,

Maria Santos, Cosmo Rocha, Lucia Santos, Severino Soares do Nascimento, Dalmo De Souza,

Janaina Rodrigues Machado, Jacqueline Barros Lins.


Written by

Eloy González and Nikolas Zacharopoulos


Directed by

Eloy González



Necrodrama and NZ Paradise Overseas LTD


Camera Operator

Matías Fiandrino


Assistant Director 

Victoria Massi


Director of Photography 

Matías Fiandrino


Art Director

Isabelle Siegrist


Production Manager

Pablo Lapadula


Film Editor

Eloy González and Bruno Fauceglia


Editing Colourist

Clara Bianchi 



Martin Bauer 


Sound Designer and Mix 5.1

Marcos Zoppi and Emiliano Biaiñ


Sound Editor

Estefania Lonne


Sound Recordist and Boom Operator 

Santiago de Cruz


Sound Studio and Mixer

Zub Sonido


Post-Production Assistant

Esron Reis – Video House Studio

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