Sergio Andrés Schiavini
By the 29th May 1991 was 32 years old. He arrived in Buenos Aires to receive treatment for a cruel disease that fell on him on Trelew, province of Chubut. He had been diagnosed deforming rheumatic arthritis. The same had ravaged his creator’s hands and feet, and unfortunately there was no cure for it, due to it being a selfimmune malady. He had bought some land in Gaimán, a little Welsh town near Trelew, where he was building his house near the banks of a calm and docile river, with greenish waters and willows that fell on it making a tranquil and soothing landscape. But he, the poet, would become a character in a story that had him as a protagonist. There was nothing for him to invent, it all happened in seconds and his beautiful life ended in the worst way. His disease didn’t kill him, as he once spoke to me when he saw me cry for his suffering: “Mom, don’t cry, this disease is not going to kill me”. And he was right. Violence and bullets awaited him round the corner.
The mother of the victim narrating the story of her son and the chase's consecuences. Followed by a reading of fragments from Schiavini’s “Noche descifrada” (“Deciphered night”) by his mother and an invited actor.
Format: Colloquium.
On stage: María Teresa Schnak and Pedro Merlo
Set up and direction: Eloy González, Patricia Taborda and Pedro Merlo.
Dates: November , 2010.
Place: Casa de la Lectura, Lavalleja 867, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.