Damián Suárez
Was born in Montevideo in 1983. In 2004 he moved to Buenos Aires, where he lived for two years. He was working as a clown in Piriápolis when he hung himself from a tree. He was 23 years old. He left a letter and his only mise en scène yet unfinished. A fact that seemed to torment him peeks out in his last lines: believing to be an acting promise that didn’t work out. His favourite phrase was “never fight with a clown, people can’t tell the diference...”
This staging was presented as an actorless theatre, an idea that awoke several dissenting opinions in the theatrical environment. There were two simultaneous projections over the forum: in one you could see a documentary filmed in Montevideo and Piriápolis, Uruguay, with interviews to Suarez’s friends and family. The staging of one of Steve Reich’s concerts in 2005 in the Contemporary Music Cycle of Buenos Aires’ Theatrical Complex was projected on the other screen. The places where Damián was born, where he lived and where he decided not keep on doing it, conversed with musicians trimming their instruments in front of an empty audience. Damián’s body no longer exists, but what some day was, keeps in action the idea of what could’ve been.
Format: Theatrical piece without actors.
Testimony: Stella Díaz, El Rengo, Walter Suárez,Sergio Ferreiro.
Voices: Ana Pauls and Ana Franco.
Video editing: Eloy González and Leandro Listorti.
Technical collaboration: Dafne Narváez.
Scenography: Matías Arietto.
Assistant director: Pablo Lapadula.
Direction: Eloy González.
Dates: November, 2008.
Place: El Excéntrico de la 18, Buenos Aires, Argentina.