Death at a young age generates an omnipresent absence surround it. Sometimes death is a consequence of violent attitudes in hands of a third party. Many of them derive in legal actions.
Many of these actions wander eternally in the Justice Halls, never to find a solution, or finding an even darker path. Many speak of a second death when legal actions get caught in a chain of impunities.
Many cases turn in a flag for people to rally, many others even in social organizations.
The fourth edition of the Necrodrama showed two deaths that are still unpunished, two decades after taking place.
María Soledad Morales in Catamarca. Sergio Andrés Schiavini in Buenos Aires.
Two murders in the beginning of the 90's that originated the so called Silent Marches, and the Commission of Victims Relatives (Comisión de Familiares de las Víctimas, COFAVI).
Both opened in 2010 a new format: the Justice Petitions.The cycle’s structure and its performative essence are put to the service of social justice and to the awakening of the memory. The first Justice Petitions counted with the presence of the victim's mothers (Ada Morales on video, and María Teresa Schnack live).
María Soledad Morales’ death opened a national debate about women molestation and prostitution, the actions of powerful people’s sons and feudal systems still effective.Sergio Schiavini was the mortal toll from a crossed fire between hijackers and policemen in “Dalí”, a café in Lomas de Zamora, province of Buenos Aires. One of the criminals used him as a shield and Sergio fell to the officer’s bullets.